
Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Yesterday I left jury duty and felt good. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. It is still a ways away but the end is coming. More of the same during the secret proceedings...ADW (assault with a dangerous weapon), CPWL (carrying a pistol without a license), AWIK (assault with intent to kill).

Drywall was delivered yesterday! Yippie! AND the drywall hangers start tonight (I probably shouldn't get too excited until they actually are on the doorstep). Progress is nice.

Played ultimate frisbee all weekend. It was freezing, but fun!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Got a few minutes today and thought I'd catch up on your blog. Love the knitting, saw the drywall being delivered yesterday. I got my jury summons for 3/20 - I guess they're just getting everyone in the neighborhood. Got new chairs for the living room and they weren't in the room for one hour when Sachu decided he was making one of them his new bed - looked quite cumfy. Lorrie

5:12 PM  
Blogger Sheila said...

Just wanted to say howdy.
I imagine with the jury-duty-life-disruption that you may not be able to make it down for the April celebration, but I'm hoping you guys can come anyway.

12:10 AM  

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