
Tuesday, February 07, 2006


We were worked to the bone today! We heard 4 cases, 3 of which we will return to in the coming weeks when witnesses become available. I learned lots of acronyms for various crimes, called witness into the grand jury room and took pages of notes (which are eventually burned). The one thing I have to keep reminding myself as this goes along is that I do not need to decide innocence or guilt, only if there is probable cause. Sometimes it is easy to get caught up in the evidence of the case. It is still very interesting but five weeks is a LONG time. I am looking forward to watching some brainless television this evening!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Klllloooone! [wave and shake your fist furiously over your head] I said: Cllllluuuune!

Here's to brain-less TV watching in your near future. :)

I'm outta here for two weeks. Keys in the turtle if you need it. Will be in touch when I return from the west coast. I'll drink a cold rita for ya in Mech-eee-co. Until then: here's to good knittin and jury stories for Seinfeld. Love you, MG

10:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We had two good days at school, for the most part. There aren't too many students, but some new ones. They are nice and eager to learn, at least the ones I've met. Josue stopped by to say Hello. Take care!Ms.G

2:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Miss you terribly here.....the first week is as you know busy, busy...2nd period is full of sharp minds and keen wits...keeping me on my toes. everything else is the usual except there's a stranger in your office! SR
ps. she's nice.

8:51 AM  

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