One down...
Twenty-six to go. Well, really twenty-eight to go. After the 5 weeks there are two mandatory recall days to complete any unfinished business. Today was interesting. It reminded my of playing "dress up" when I was a kid - like I stepped into a different life. I put on my big girl shoes (which I won't wear anymore - clogs are SO much more comfortable) and walked to the metro with my book and laptop. I ate lunch at the Food Court of the Mayor's Office which is located next door. A very different day than I am accustomed to. I will keep you as posted as I can but I have taken an oath which includes complete secrecy about the cases. I did volunteer to be the Sergeant-at-Arms (I decided this was better than being the foreperson or secretary). I get to call witnesses and kind of keep the schedule. The other 22 people seem nice - quite a mix. We did everything together - we were escorted from our initial place by US Marshal to our Grand Jury Room, watched the orientation video together, went upstairs for pictures together... Only 16 of us need to show up to have a quorum (otherwise we wait...Ugh). There was plenty of down time - I knit a third of a scarf and wrote half of my paper for class :) I figure I should be able to get all of my Christmas presents done by March. I learned more about the justice system today than I even knew existed...DC, not being a state, sure complicates the process. Tomorrow we get our ID badges and start hearing cases. I won't be calling any of you during the day. Since my phone has a camera they hold it ALL day. I think I'll just leave it at home. More later.
Sounds more like grade school than grown up life. You're accomplishing more with your knitting, reading, and class paper, than I am staying at home all day!! Keep up that pace and you WILL have Christmas gifts done.
We are a very balanced jury, African American, Caucasian, men, women...there are definitely very different views of thought which is good. It keeps it fair.
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